Check out the affordability of a Wayne State degree.
Check out Jeremiah’s program of study in communications.
I chose Wayne State College because I wanted a more intimate environment. I wanted to have that relationship with my professors that I can go to them anytime I needed for assistance, and I can talk to them and ask them questions. Cost was a very important factor for me when it came to other colleges. Yeah, their environment was all right, and you know, they did have some of the things I wanted, but Wayne State really was a package deal when it came to, you know, the financial part as well as the atmosphere that I was looking for. At first glance, of course, you probably wouldn't really see it but once you start getting involved, you realize how diverse this campus is. I have about two to three jobs on campus but my main job is Student Activities Board Representative. It's my most fulfilling and favorite job. With that job I am coordinating events with different clubs on campus that are minorities usually, so like Tinos Uniting and Black Student Association and Pride. And I help them kind of coordinate events that better represent them in the most respectful way. At other institutions that I had toured I just felt overwhelmed. But here I really felt like I can make a difference both in the classroom and outside of it.
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